Sabtu, 30 November 2013
Selasa, 12 November 2013
Manchester United vs Arsenal 1-0 2013 EPL (10/11/2013)
Posted by Brian Novianto on 17.40 with No comments
Sabtu, 02 November 2013
7 Tips Mudah Menghilangkan Capek Di Tubuh Anda
Posted by Brian Novianto on 20.21 with No comments
Hai sahabat, tips kesehatan. Aktivitas sehari-hari yang tak kunjung berhenti membuat seluruh badan kita serasa capek sekali. Ingin sekali kita meninggalkan rutinitas tersebut. Semua pelajar ataupun pekerja pasti pernah merasakan rasa lelah terhadap semua aktivitas yang telah dijalani tiap harinya. Lalu apa yang sudah anda lakukan untuk menghilangkan rasa lelah yang dirasakan oleh tubuh kita…???
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Lelah merupakan rasa capek yang dirasakan oleh tubuh dan pikiran kita, ketika suatu aktivitas yang menguras energi baik itu tenaga maupun pikiran di jalankan pada suatu waktu. Pada saat tubuh terasa lelah maka aktivitas yang akan kita lakukan selanjutnya menjadi terganggu. Cara termudah yang dapat kita lakukan yaitu dengan istirahat sebentar. Tapi sebenarnya ada beberapa tips yang membantu anda menghilangkan rasa lelah pada tubuh anda. tips kesehatan, berikut ini akan mengupas tuntas. Berikut ini tips menghilangkan rasa capek pada tubuh anda :
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Lelah merupakan rasa capek yang dirasakan oleh tubuh dan pikiran kita, ketika suatu aktivitas yang menguras energi baik itu tenaga maupun pikiran di jalankan pada suatu waktu. Pada saat tubuh terasa lelah maka aktivitas yang akan kita lakukan selanjutnya menjadi terganggu. Cara termudah yang dapat kita lakukan yaitu dengan istirahat sebentar. Tapi sebenarnya ada beberapa tips yang membantu anda menghilangkan rasa lelah pada tubuh anda. tips kesehatan, berikut ini akan mengupas tuntas. Berikut ini tips menghilangkan rasa capek pada tubuh anda :
- Biasakan untuk sarapan pagi sebelum memulai aktivitas anda. ini dikarenakan dengan sarapan tiap pagi sebelum beraktivitas maka pikiran dan kondisi tubuh anda akan lebih stabil daripada mereka yang tidak sarapan. Sehingga rasa lelah pun dapat terkurangi atau bahkan hilang pada tubuh anda di sela aktivitas anda dengan rutin sarapan pagil
- Makanlah dengan teratur dengan makanan yang mengandung berbagai nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh kita, baik itu karbohidrat, protein, vitamin, mineral dan makanan yang memiliki kandungan serat yang tinggi. Sehingga menghindarkan anda dari rasa lelah setelah beraktivitas, karena tubuh kita terjaga kesehatannya dan menjadikan tubuh kita lebih stabil.
- Makanlah dengan makanan yang mengandung serat. Ini dikarenan dengan memperbanyak makanan yang berserat maka akan memberikan energi lebih pada tubuh kita. Sehingga tidak mudah capek dalam segala aktivitas kita.
- Minumlah air sesuai kebutuhan tubuh kita. Paling baik yaitu 8 gelas sehari bisa lebih. Ini dikarenakan air akan mempermudah darah dalam mengalir ke seluruh sel dan organ tubuh kita. Sehingga peredaran darah lancar dan rasa lelah akan terkurangi.
- Mendengarkan musik yang anda sukai merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk menghilangkan rasa lelah yang ada dalam tubuh anda. jadi setelah selesai beraktivitas tidak ada salahnya mendengarkan musik yang anda sukai dengan duduk santai. Ini akan membantu menghilangkan rasa lelah tersebut.
- Melihat acara komedi yang ditayangkan di televisi juga mampu menghilangkan rasa lelah yang anda alami setelah beraktivitas. Dengan tertawa lepas semua beban pikiran dan lelah pada tubuh anda akan sirna tanpa anda sadari.
- Sebelum mandi setelah beraktivitas yang membuat anda lelah, usahakan membasuh wajah anda dengan air dingin terlebih dahulu. Ini juga mampu membantu menghilangkan rasa lelah yang menghinggapi tubuh dan pikiran anda.
7 Manfaat Air Putih Bagi Kesehatan Anda
Posted by Brian Novianto on 20.19 with No comments
Air putih merupakan minuman yang paling baik dan menyehatkan untuk tubuh anda. Tapi pada kenyataannya, banyak diantara kita yang lebih menyukai minuman yang berasa manis yang banyak beredar dipasaran. Mungkin banyak diantara kita yang tidak mengetahui begitu besarnya manfaat air putih bagi kesehatan anda. Lalu, Manfaat apa saja yang akan kita peroleh dari minum air putih bagi tubuh kita?
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Begitu besar manfaatnya air putih untuk kesehatan anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan tidak ketinggalan untuk memberikan informasi kepada anda pembaca setia blog ini. Baiklah, agar anda tidak penasaran lagi tentang berbagai manfaat air putih bagi kesehatan anda. Berikut ini manfaat air putih bagi kesehatan anda :
- Air putih akan meningkatkan energi anda saat mengalami kelelahan saat beraktivitas apapun juga. Jadi air putih merupakan minuman yang murah dan menyehatkan bagi tubuh anda.
- Air putih akan membantu membuang racun-racun yang ada dalam tubuh anda melalui urine yang anda keluarkan. Untuk itulaha, minum air putih 2-3 liter perhari sangat dianjurkan untuk tubuh anda.
- Air putih juga bermanfaat untuk menjaga berat badan anda. Ini dikarenakan air putih mampu menahan nafsu makan anda yang berlebihan. Jadi bagi anda yang yang mengalami masalah berat badan, minum air putih dapat menjadi solusi yang terbaik.
- Air putih juga mampu membuat kulit kita lebih segar dan terlihat bugar setiap hari. Sehingga terlihat selalu tampak awet muda dan terhindar dari kulit kusam.
- Air putih juga sangat baik untuk kesehatan tulang kita. ini dikarenakan, air putih membantu untuk membuat sel-sel tulang kita yang baru.
- Air putih juga ikut membantu proses pencernaan makanan yang kita makan berjalan dengan baik. Sehingga sangat dianjurkan minum air putih yang cukup bagi tubuh kita.
- Air putih juga sangat membantu dalam mencegah sembelit yang sering dialami oleh setiap orang dalam kaitannya dengan buang air besar. Minumlah air putih agar masalah sembelit tidak akan anda alami lagi.
7 Buah Super Untuk Kesehatan Anda
Posted by Brian Novianto on 20.18 with No comments
Hai, sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Kesehatan merupakan hal yang terpenting yang harus kita perhatikan secara lebih serius. Berbagai makanan yang kita konsumsi tiap hari harus kita pikirkan dampaknya bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Banyak makanan tersebut mungkin mengandung bahan-bahan yang bisa membahayakan bagi kesehatan organ-organ tubuh anda. Sehingga dari sekarang, mulailah dengan memakan-makanan yang sehat bagi tubuh anda, salah satunya buah-buahan. Lalu, buah apa saja yang memiliki manfaat besar bagi kesehatan tubuh anda?
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. ternyata sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan yang ada di sekeliling kita mengandung bahan-bahan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang berhubungan dengan buah -buahan yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh anda. Berikut ini 7 buah super untuk kesehatan tubuh anda :
- Buah-buahan dari keluarga berry seperti stroberi, blueberry, blackberry, dan rasberry merupakan buah-buahan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan anda. Buah-buahan tersebut banyak mengandung tingkat anthocyanin yang tinggi. Anthocyanin berfungsi untuk melindungi sel-sel pada tubuh anda dari berbagai radikal bebas yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh anda, mengurangi tekanan darah anda secara significan, mempertajam penglihatan mata, menekan penyebaran sel kanker pada tubuh anda juga mampu mencegah berbagai penyakit seperti kanker, jantung, dan diabetes.
- Buah super yang kedua yaitu apel. Buah apel ternyata memiliki peranan yang sangat besar bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Buah apel banyak mengandung flavanoid yang berfungsi untuk menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung. Bagi anda yang tidak ingin memiliki tekanan darah tinggi dan kadar gula darah tinggi, mengkonsumsi buah apel merupakan solusi terbaik yang bisa anda lakukan untuk kesehatan tubuh anda.
- Buah super yang ketiga yaitu grapefruit. Grapefruit merupakan salah satu varian dari buah jeruk. Buah ini banyak mengandung vitamin C dan lycopen. Fungsi lycopen yaitu untuk menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung, menekan pertumbuhan tumor. Grapefruit juga mengandung fitonutrien yang berfungsi untuk melawan berbagai kanker yang menyerang tubuh anda seperti kanker mulut, kulit, paru-paru, payudara, perut dan usus.
- Buah super berikutnya yaitu pepaya. Buah pepaya ternyata banyak mengandung antioksidan, vitamin E, C dan papain. Antioksidan, vitamin E, dan C tersebut sangat baik untuk kesehatan jantung anda. Sedangkan papain bermanfaat untuk membantu menurunkan peradangan dalam tubuh anda.
- Buah super yang kelima yaitu buah kiwi. Buah kiwi banyak mengandung vitamin C yang dapat mencukupi kebutuhan vitamin C harian kita. Buah kiwi juga berperan penting dalam mencegah penyakit kanker. Dengan memakan 2 sampai 3 buah kiwi perhari dapat membantu mencegah penyakit kanker. Manfaat lain buah kiwi yaitu mengurangi pembekuan darah, menghindarkan dari penyakit stroke.
- Buah super yang keenam yaitu semangka. Buah semangka ternyata banyak mengandung vitamin, lycopen B serta asam amino. Vitamin dan lycopen B berfungsi untuk produksi energi bagi tubuh kita. Asam amino berfungsi untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung anda dan memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh.
- Buah super yang ketujuh yaitu pisang. Buah pisang ternyata banyak mengandung potasium yang bermanfaat untuk membantu menurunkan tekanan darah serta melindungi jantung anda. Buah pisang juga mengandung fructooligosaccharide, yang merupakan prebiotik yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan tubuh anda untuk menyerap berbagai nutrisi yang diperlukan tubuh termasuk kalsium serta membantu bakteri baik di saluran pencernaan dalam proses pencernaan makanan pada tubuh anda.
Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Hati
Posted by Brian Novianto on 20.16 with No comments
Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Menjaga kesehatan tubuh merupakan hal terpenting yang harus kita lakukan agar segala kegiatan sehari-hari dapat kita lakukan dengan optimal pula. Tubuh kita terdiri dari berbagai organ yang salah satunya hati. Hati merupakan salah satu organ tubuh yang kita miliki yang memiliki berbagai fungsi yang tidak dapat tergantikan dengan organ lainnya. Lalu bagaimana tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati tersebut?
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Hati memiliki beberapa fungsi yang sangat penting seperti melwan infeksi yang menyerang tubuh anda, memproses makanan yang telah di serap dari usus kita, memproduksi getah empedu yang berfungsi dalam sistem pencernaan makanan, sebagai penyimpan zat besi, vitamin serta bahan-bahan kimia lain yang penting, mengontrol kadar lemak, glukosa serta asam amino di dalam darah, membuang zat-zat racun di dalam tubuh anda. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Dari berbagai fungsi hati yang telah disebutkan diatas, kita akhirnya mengetahui betapa penting fungsi hati dalam tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda. Berikut ini 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda :
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Hati memiliki beberapa fungsi yang sangat penting seperti melwan infeksi yang menyerang tubuh anda, memproses makanan yang telah di serap dari usus kita, memproduksi getah empedu yang berfungsi dalam sistem pencernaan makanan, sebagai penyimpan zat besi, vitamin serta bahan-bahan kimia lain yang penting, mengontrol kadar lemak, glukosa serta asam amino di dalam darah, membuang zat-zat racun di dalam tubuh anda. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Dari berbagai fungsi hati yang telah disebutkan diatas, kita akhirnya mengetahui betapa penting fungsi hati dalam tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda. Berikut ini 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda :
- Menjaga kesehatan hati dimulai dari makanan yang kita makan. Makanan yang baik untuk hati anda yaitu bawang merah, bawang putih, Sayur-sayuran (kembang kol, kubis, selanda air, sawi hijau), biji-bijian (gandum dan beras merah), kunyit, teh hijau, kedelai dan anggur merah.
- Tips menjaga kesehatan hati yang kedua dengan membatasi asupan kalori yang masuk ke tubuh anda. dalam hal ini membatasi berbagai makanan yang banyak mengandung karbohidrat yang kita konsumsi setiap harinya dalam jumlah yang tidak berlebihan.
- Anda sebaiknya menhindari berbagai jenis minuman yang mengandung alkohol. Minuman yang mengandung alkohol tersebut dapat berpengaruh sangat buruk pada metabolisme organ hati yang anda miliki.
- Anda sebaiknya menghentikan kebiasaan merokok, menjauhi asap dan berbagai cairan beracun. Karena asap-asap yang mengandung racun tersebut akan masuk ke pembuluh darah kecil dalam paru paru anda dan akan di bawa ke organ hati. Kemudian mengalami detoksifikasi dan di hilangkan di empedu.Oleh karena itulah, jumlah dan konsentrasi bahan kimia tersebut harus dikontrol untuk mencegah kerusakan hati anda.
- Tips yang kelima yaitu dengan mencuci tangan dengan bersih yaitu dengan sabun dan air yang bersih setelah buang air besar dan sebelum menyiapkan berbagai makanan yang akan anda konsumsi. Agar kesehatan hati anda tetap terjaga.
Mengenal Penyakit-penyakit jantung dan penyebabnya
Posted by Brian Novianto on 20.01 with No comments
Jantung: Ukuran kepalan tangan, otot terkuat dalam tubuh, sistem luar biasa yang mulai berdetak sekitar tiga minggu setelah pembuahan tetapi rentan! Rentan terhadap kerusakan dari hal-hal yang kita lakukan atau dapat lahir dengan kondisi jantung.
Penyakit kardiovaskular (CVD) adalah pembunuh terbesar baik pada pria dan perempuan secara global. Secara global, 17,1 juta jiwa diklaim setiap tahun untuk akuntansi 29% dari semua kematian disebabkan oleh CVD, sehingga nomor satu di dunia pembunuh. Di Australia, itu menyumbang 34% dari semua kematian pada tahun 2008. Penyakit kardiovaskular membunuh seorang warga Australia hampir setiap 11 menit per yayasan jantung nasional. Ini tetap menjadi salah satu beban terbesar pada perekonomian kita.
Sayangnya penyakit yang dapat dicegah adalah sebagian besar pembunuh nomor satu orang yang dicintai secara global.
Di negara maju, masalah utama yang mendasari adalah aterosklerosis. Ini adalah suatu kondisi yang normal bentuk membangun-up dari zat lemak, kolesterol dan lainnya di lapisan dalam arteri (plak). Hal ini paling serius ketika hal itu mempengaruhi pasokan darah ke jantung (menyebabkan serangan angina atau jantung) atau ke otak (yang dapat menyebabkan stroke). Proses aterosklerosis yang menyebabkan lambat dan kompleks, sering dimulai di masa kecil, dan kemajuan dengan usia.
Di negara maju, masalah utama yang mendasari adalah aterosklerosis. Ini adalah suatu kondisi yang normal bentuk membangun-up dari zat lemak, kolesterol dan lainnya di lapisan dalam arteri (plak). Hal ini paling serius ketika hal itu mempengaruhi pasokan darah ke jantung (menyebabkan serangan angina atau jantung) atau ke otak (yang dapat menyebabkan stroke). Proses aterosklerosis yang menyebabkan lambat dan kompleks, sering dimulai di masa kecil, dan kemajuan dengan usia.
Apakah pengertian dari penyakit jantung?
Penyakit jantung adalah penyakit dan kondisi jantung (kardio) dan pembuluh darah (penyakit vaskular) termasuk serangan jantung dan stroke. Ini adalah istilah yang luas digunakan untuk jantung, stroke dan penyakit pembuluh darah dan sistem apapun yang memiliki hati di pusatnya. Ada banyak kelompok penyakit kardiovaskular, beberapa dari mereka adalah:
Penyakit jantung rematik – Ini adalah jenis penyakit jantung yang disebabkan oleh satu atau lebih serangan demam rematik. Demam rematik biasanya terjadi pada masa kanak-kanak. Ini mungkin mengikuti infeksi streptokokus yang dapat mempengaruhi jantung, terutama katup jantung, melemahnya otot jantung, atau merusak kantung melampirkan jantung.
Penyakit jantung kongenital – Ini adalah cacat jantung hadir pada saat lahir. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh eksposur merugikan selama kehamilan atau faktor genetik tapi kebanyakan penyebabnya tidak diketahui.
Penyakit jantung hipertensi – tekanan darah tinggi dapat membebani jantung dan pembuluh darah, sehingga menyebabkan penyakit jantung hipertensi. Ini mungkin asal tidak diketahui, yang dikenal sebagai hipertensi primer atau sekunder untuk penyakit tertentu atau infeksi.
Penyakit jantung iskemik – penyakit jantung iskemik kadang-kadang sering disebut sebagai penyakit jantung koroner. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penyempitan pembuluh darah yang menyuplai otot-otot jantung. Oleh karena itu, suplai darah ke jantung berkurang dan dapat menyebabkan kondisi seperti angina, serangan jantung, kematian mendadak.
Penyakit serebrovaskular (stroke) – Umumnya dikenal sebagai kecelakaan serebrovaskular (CVA) atau stroke adalah setara otak untuk serangan jantung. Ini adalah hasil dari suplai darah terhambat ke dalam beberapa bagian otak.
Jantung penyakit radang – inflamasi penyakit jantung dapat disebabkan setelah infeksi atau oleh racun atau mungkin asal tidak diketahui. Ini mungkin mempengaruhi otot jantung (miokarditis), kantung membran (perikarditis), lapisan dalam jantung (endokarditis) atau miokardium (otot jantung).
Apakah penyakit jantung dapat dicegah?
Penyakit kardiovaskular sebagian besar dicegah. Beberapa orang dilahirkan dengan kondisi yang predisposes mereka untuk penyakit jantung dan stroke tetapi kebanyakan orang yang mengembangkan penyakit kardiovaskular adalah karena kombinasi dari satu atau lebih faktor risiko.
Ada banyak faktor risiko yang terkait dengan penyakit jantung koroner dan stroke. Faktor risiko utama termasuk merokok, penggunaan alkohol, tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi), kolesterol tinggi, obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan, aktivitas fisik, diet tidak sehat, kadar glukosa tinggi (diabetes), aktivitas fisik untuk beberapa nama. Faktor-faktor risiko yang Anda mengekspos diri, semakin tinggi kesempatan mengembangkan penyakit kardiovaskular.
Peran diet sangat penting dalam pengembangan dan pencegahan penyakit kardiovaskular (CVD). Diet adalah kunci dimodifikasi faktor risiko CVD.
Penyakit jantung yang paling dapat dicegah, dan risiko dapat dikurangi dengan perubahan gaya hidup seperti peningkatan aktivitas fisik, kebiasaan makan yang sehat memilih (pilihan makanan), mengatakan tidak untuk merokok, untuk nama hanya tiga.
Dampak Ekonomi
Penyakit kardiovaskular adalah mahal dan biaya miliaran dolar di seluruh dunia. Implikasi ekonomi bisa luas. Hal ini dirasakan sebagai biaya kesehatan negara serta hilangnya pendapatan dan produksi mereka yang terkena dampak baik secara langsung oleh penyakit dan sebagai pengasuh bagi mereka dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler, yang berhenti bekerja.
Penyakit kardiovaskular juga merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kecacatan, dengan sekitar jutaan orang diperkirakan telah kecacatan yang terkait dengan kondisi kardiovaskular.
Ini mempengaruhi satu dari lima warga Australia, dan mempengaruhi dua dari tiga keluarga.
Bisakah kita membantu untuk mengurangi beban?
Jawaban yang sederhana adalah YA kami dapat membantu! Penyakit kardiovaskular sebagian besar dicegah. Langkah-langkah sederhana seperti:
kebiasaan makan heatlhy
meningkatkan aktivitas fisik
berhenti merokok
meningkatkan aktivitas fisik
berhenti merokok
… untuk nama tiga bisa menjadi titik awal siapa pun.
Tidak ada angka dolar yang dapat dikaitkan dengan hilangnya orang yang dicintai. Jadi, jangan biarkan orang yang Anda cintai bisa terpengaruh oleh itu.
Bangsa di seluruh dunia merasakan beban penyakit kardiovaskular.
Jadi, mengapa tidak mengambil tanggung jawab dan membuat komitmen untuk mengubah cara kita hidup dan membantu diri kita sendiri, keluarga, teman dan generasi masa depan menuju jantung sehat …
Ada hati yang membuat kita tetap hidup … jadi mari kita membantu untuk tetap hidup!
What Is Neuropathy? Neuropathy Causes And Treatments
Posted by Brian Novianto on 19.55 with No comments
Neuropathy is a collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord) are damaged. The condition is generally referred to as peripheral neuropathy, and it is most commonly due to damage to nerve axons. Neuropathy usually causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet. It can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic disorders, and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes.
Neuropathy can affect nerves that control muscle movement (motor nerves) and those that detect sensations such as coldness or pain (sensory nerves). In some cases - autonomic neuropathy - it can affect internal organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, bladder, or intestines.
Pain from peripheral neuropathy is often described as a tingling or burning sensation. There is no specific length of time that the pain exists, but symptoms often improve with time - especially if the neuropathy has an underlying condition that can be cured. The condition is often associated with poor nutrition, a number of diseases, and pressure or trauma, but many cases have no known reason (called idiopathic neuropathy).
In the United States, about 20 million people suffer from neuropathy. Over half of diabetes patients also suffer from the condition.
How is neuropathy classified?
Peripheral neuropathy can be broadly classified into the following categories:
Neuropathy can affect nerves that control muscle movement (motor nerves) and those that detect sensations such as coldness or pain (sensory nerves). In some cases - autonomic neuropathy - it can affect internal organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, bladder, or intestines.
Pain from peripheral neuropathy is often described as a tingling or burning sensation. There is no specific length of time that the pain exists, but symptoms often improve with time - especially if the neuropathy has an underlying condition that can be cured. The condition is often associated with poor nutrition, a number of diseases, and pressure or trauma, but many cases have no known reason (called idiopathic neuropathy).
In the United States, about 20 million people suffer from neuropathy. Over half of diabetes patients also suffer from the condition.
How is neuropathy classified?
Peripheral neuropathy can be broadly classified into the following categories:
- Mononeuropathy - involvement of a single nerve. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve palsy, radial nerve palsy, and peroneal nerve palsy.
- Multiple mononeuropathy - two or more nerves individually affected.
- Polyneuropathy - generalized involvement of peripheral nerves. Examples include diabetic neuropathy and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Neurophathies may also be categorized based on a functional classification (motor, sensory, autonomic, or mixed) or the type of onset (acute - hours or days, subacute - weeks or months, or chronic - months or years).
The most common form of neuropathy is (symmetrical) peripheral polyneuropathy, which mainly affects the feet and legs on both sides of the body.
What causes neuropathy?
About 30% of neuropathy cases are considered idiopathic, which means they are of unknown cause. Another 30% of neuropathies are due to diabetes. In fact, about 50% of people with diabetes develop some type of neuropathy. The remaining cases of neuropathy, called acquired neuropathies, have several possible causes, including:
The most common form of neuropathy is (symmetrical) peripheral polyneuropathy, which mainly affects the feet and legs on both sides of the body.
What causes neuropathy?
About 30% of neuropathy cases are considered idiopathic, which means they are of unknown cause. Another 30% of neuropathies are due to diabetes. In fact, about 50% of people with diabetes develop some type of neuropathy. The remaining cases of neuropathy, called acquired neuropathies, have several possible causes, including:
- Trauma or pressure on nerves, often from a cast or crutch or repetitive motion such as typing on a keyboard
- Nutritional problems and vitamin deficiencies, often from a lack of B vitamins
- Alcoholism, often through poor dietary habits and vitamin deficiencies
- Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Tumors, which often press up against nerves
- Other diseases and infections, such as kidney disease, liver disease, Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
- Inherited disorders (hereditary neuropathies), such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and amyloid polyneuropathy
- Poison exposure, from toxins such as heavy metals, and certain medications and cancer treatments
Who gets neuropathy?
Risk factors for peripheral neuropathy include several conditions and behaviors. People with diabetes who poorly control their blood sugar levels are very likely to suffer from some neuropathy. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis also increase one's chance of developing a neuropathy. People who have received organ transplants, AIDS patients, and others who have had some type of immune system suppression have a higher risk of neuropathy. In addition, those who abuse alcohol or have vitamin deficiencies (especially B vitamins) are at an increased risk. Neuropathy is also more likely to occur in people with kidney, liver or thyroid disorders.
What are the symptoms of neuropathy?
Neuropathy symptoms depend on several factors, chiefly where the affected nerves are located and which type of nerves are affected (motor, sensory, autonomic). Several types of neuropathy affect all three types of nerves. Some neuropathies suddenly arise while others come on gradually over the course of years.
Motor nerve damage usually leads to symptoms that affect muscles such as muscle weakness, cramps, and spasms. It is not uncommon for this type of neuropathy to lead to a loss of balance and coordination. Patients may find it difficult to walk or run, feel like they have heavy legs, stumble, or tire easily. Damage to arm nerves may make it difficult to do routine tasks like carry bags, open jars, or turn door knobs.
Sensory nerve damage can cause various symptoms, such as an impaired sense of position, tingling, numbness, pinching and pain. Pain from this neuropathy is often described as burning, freezing, or electric-like, and many report a sensation of wearing an invisible "glove" or "stocking". These sensations tend to be worse at night, and can become painful and sever. On the contrary, sensory nerve damage may lead to a lessening or absence of sensation, where nothing at all is felt.
Autonomic nerve damage affects internal organs and involuntary functions and can lead to abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, reduced ability to perspire, constipation, bladder dysfunction, diarrhea, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and thinning of the skin.
How is neuropathy diagnosed?
Peripheral neuropathy is often not easy to diagnose. It is not a single disease, but a symptom with often several potential causes. The standard diagnostic process begins with a full medical history with physical and neurological exams that will examine tendon reflexes, muscle strength and tone, the ability to feel sensations, and posture and coordination. Blood tests are also common in order for doctors to measure levels of vitamin B-12. Other common tests include urinalysis, thyroid function tests, and a nerve conduction study that includes electromyography (to measure electrical discharges produced in muscles). Physicians may also recommend a nerve biopsy, where a small portion of nerve is removed and examined under a microscope.
Risk factors for peripheral neuropathy include several conditions and behaviors. People with diabetes who poorly control their blood sugar levels are very likely to suffer from some neuropathy. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis also increase one's chance of developing a neuropathy. People who have received organ transplants, AIDS patients, and others who have had some type of immune system suppression have a higher risk of neuropathy. In addition, those who abuse alcohol or have vitamin deficiencies (especially B vitamins) are at an increased risk. Neuropathy is also more likely to occur in people with kidney, liver or thyroid disorders.
What are the symptoms of neuropathy?
Neuropathy symptoms depend on several factors, chiefly where the affected nerves are located and which type of nerves are affected (motor, sensory, autonomic). Several types of neuropathy affect all three types of nerves. Some neuropathies suddenly arise while others come on gradually over the course of years.
Motor nerve damage usually leads to symptoms that affect muscles such as muscle weakness, cramps, and spasms. It is not uncommon for this type of neuropathy to lead to a loss of balance and coordination. Patients may find it difficult to walk or run, feel like they have heavy legs, stumble, or tire easily. Damage to arm nerves may make it difficult to do routine tasks like carry bags, open jars, or turn door knobs.
Sensory nerve damage can cause various symptoms, such as an impaired sense of position, tingling, numbness, pinching and pain. Pain from this neuropathy is often described as burning, freezing, or electric-like, and many report a sensation of wearing an invisible "glove" or "stocking". These sensations tend to be worse at night, and can become painful and sever. On the contrary, sensory nerve damage may lead to a lessening or absence of sensation, where nothing at all is felt.
Autonomic nerve damage affects internal organs and involuntary functions and can lead to abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, reduced ability to perspire, constipation, bladder dysfunction, diarrhea, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and thinning of the skin.
How is neuropathy diagnosed?
Peripheral neuropathy is often not easy to diagnose. It is not a single disease, but a symptom with often several potential causes. The standard diagnostic process begins with a full medical history with physical and neurological exams that will examine tendon reflexes, muscle strength and tone, the ability to feel sensations, and posture and coordination. Blood tests are also common in order for doctors to measure levels of vitamin B-12. Other common tests include urinalysis, thyroid function tests, and a nerve conduction study that includes electromyography (to measure electrical discharges produced in muscles). Physicians may also recommend a nerve biopsy, where a small portion of nerve is removed and examined under a microscope.
How is neuropathy treated?
There are a variety of treatments available for peripheral neuropathy. They range from traditional pills and creams to special diets and therapies that stimulate the nervous system. Antidepressants, especially tricyclics and selective serotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (SNRI's), are a favored treatment for neuropathies. They will relieve neuropathic pain in non-depressed persons.
In June 2012, researchers from the University of Michigan School of Nursing reported that Cymbalta (duloxetine), an antidepressant, can relieve the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Another class of medicines commonly prescribed for neuropathy is that of anticonvulsants. These medicines block calcium channels on neurons to limit pain. Opioid narcotic treatments for neuropathy are used as well to treat the condition, but are less favored because of the risk of dependency. However, opioids have been the most consistently effective in reducing pain.
For some types of neuropathy, such as post-herpes neuralgia, physicians recommend treatment with a topical anesthetic such as lidocaine. Topical applications of capsaicin (the chemical that makes peppers hot) has also been used to treat neuropathic pain.
Alternative therapies for peripheral neuropathy include cannabinoids (an class of chemicals found in marijuana), Botulinum Toxin Type A (better known as Botox), NMDA antagonists (such as ketamine), dietary supplements (such as alpha lipoic and benfotiamine), chiropractic massages, yoga, meditation, cognitive therapy, and accupuncture.
A final class of therapies for neuropathy are called neuromodulators. These include both implantable and non-implantable technologies (electrical and chemical) such as spinal cord stimulators, implanted spinal pumps, electrodes that stimulate the motor cortex of the brain, and methods called deep brain stimulation.
How can neuropathy be managed and prevented?
There are several ways to manage neuropathy and prevent its symptoms. Good foot health is important, especially for diabetics. Patients should check feet for blisters, cuts, or calluses and avoid tight fitting shoes and socks. Doctors can recommend an exercise plan that will reduce neuropathy pain and control blood sugar levels. Patients should also quit smoking and eat healthful meals. Massages of hands and feet may also aid neuropathy management by stimulating nerves and temporarily relieving pain. Finally, it is advised to avoid prolonged pressure on knees or elbows in order to prevent new nerve damage.
Posted by Brian Novianto on 19.53 with No comments
Due to the unique nature and characteristics, wood is the material most widely used for construction purposes. The ever-increasing demand for wood and forest potential of dwindling demand the use of wood in an efficient and expedient, by utilizing such waste sawdust into useful products. On the other hand, along with the development of technology, the need for plastics continue to increase as a consequence, increased waste plastikpun inevitable. Waste plastic is a material that can not be decomposed by microorganisms decomposing (non-biodegradable), so penumpukkannya in nature feared to cause environmental problems.
Due to the unique nature and characteristics, wood is the material most widely used for construction purposes. The ever-increasing demand for wood and forest potential of dwindling demand the use of wood in an efficient and expedient, by utilizing such waste sawdust into useful products. On the other hand, along with the development of technology, the need for plastics continue to increase as a consequence, increased waste plastikpun inevitable. Waste plastic is a material that can not be decomposed by microorganisms decomposing (non-biodegradable), so penumpukkannya in nature feared to cause environmental problems.
Technological developments, particularly in the field of composite board, has produced a composite product which is a combination of sawdust with recycled plastic. The technology was developed in the early 1990s in Japan and the United States. With this technology it is possible utilization of sawdust and recycled plastic to the maximum, thus will reduce the amount of waste generated. In Indonesia, research on these products is limited, whereas raw material waste potential is enormous.
This paper will present a brief overview of the potential and utilization of wood waste, particularly sawdust, and plastic waste as a product of wood-plastic composite powder recycling.
Human need for wood as building material for the purposes of construction, decoration, and furniture continues to increase along with the increase in population. Timber demand for the timber industry in Indonesia is estimated at 70 million m3 per year with an average of 14.2% per year while roundwood production estimated at 25 million m3 per year, so there was a deficit of 45 million m3 (Priyono, 2001). This suggests that the actual carrying capacity of the forest has been unable to meet the demand for wood. This situation is exacerbated by the presence komversi natural forests into agricultural land, shifting cultivation, forest fires, harvesting practices are not efisen and infrastructure development, followed by forest encroachment. These conditions require the use of wood in an efficient and prudent, among others, through the concept of the whole tree utilization, while increasing the use of non-wood berlignoselulosa, and the development of innovative products as a substitute for wood building materials.
Human need for wood as building material for the purposes of construction, decoration, and furniture continues to increase along with the increase in population. Timber demand for the timber industry in Indonesia is estimated at 70 million m3 per year with an average of 14.2% per year while roundwood production estimated at 25 million m3 per year, so there was a deficit of 45 million m3 (Priyono, 2001). This suggests that the actual carrying capacity of the forest has been unable to meet the demand for wood. This situation is exacerbated by the presence komversi natural forests into agricultural land, shifting cultivation, forest fires, harvesting practices are not efisen and infrastructure development, followed by forest encroachment. These conditions require the use of wood in an efficient and prudent, among others, through the concept of the whole tree utilization, while increasing the use of non-wood berlignoselulosa, and the development of innovative products as a substitute for wood building materials.
Regrettably, to date harvesting and processing of timber in Indonesia still produces large amounts of waste. Purwanto et al, (1994) stated the composition of waste in harvesting and wood processing industry are as follows:
1. On timber harvesting, waste generally shaped logs, reaching 66.16%
2. In industrial sawmill wood waste sawdust covering 10.6 &. Sebetan 25.9% and 14.3% cuts, a total waste 50.8% of the total raw material digubakan
3. Industrial waste at the waste pieces of plywood covering 5.6%, 0.7% sawdust, 24.8% wet veneer waste, dry waste veneer peeling the remaining 12.6% 11.0% and a piece of plywood edges 6.3% . Total waste plywood for 61.0% of total raw materials used.
Data from the Ministry of Forestry and Plantations in 1999/2000 showed that Indonesia’s plywood production reached 4.61 million m3 of sawn timber while achieving 2.06 million m3. Assuming the waste generated is estimated to reach 61% of the wood waste generated reached more than 5 million m3 (CBS, 2000).
Wood waste in the form of pieces of logs and sebetan been used as the core block board and particle board material. The waste floured kergaji utilization is still not optimal. For large, integrated industrial, waste sawdust sawn been utilized as a form of charcoal briquettes and activated charcoal are sold commercially. But for the sawmilling industry small-scale industries, which accounted for thousands of units and the countryside, the waste has not been used optimally. An example is the industrial mills in Jambi, amounting to 150 pieces of which are located on the edge of the river Batang, sawn wood waste generated is dumped into the river, causing siltation and reduction process stream segment (Pari, 2002). In most of the wood processing industry waste sawdust are commonly used as furnace fuel, or burned away without meaningful use, which can cause environmental pollution (Febrianto, 1999). In order to efficient use of wood are needed to use sawdust into a more useful product.
Plastic name representing thousands of different physical properties of materials, mechanical, and chemical. Broadly speaking, the plastic can be classified into two major categories, namely plastics are thermoplastic and thermoset that is. Thermoplastic can be reshaped easily and processed into other forms, whereas when it has hardened types of thermosets can not be softened again. The most common plastic used in everyday life in the form of thermoplastic.
Plastic name representing thousands of different physical properties of materials, mechanical, and chemical. Broadly speaking, the plastic can be classified into two major categories, namely plastics are thermoplastic and thermoset that is. Thermoplastic can be reshaped easily and processed into other forms, whereas when it has hardened types of thermosets can not be softened again. The most common plastic used in everyday life in the form of thermoplastic.
Along with the development of technology, the need for plastic continues to increase. BPS data in 1999 showed that the volume of trade of Indonesia’s imports of plastic, especially polypropylene (PP) in 1995 amounted to 136,122.7 tons, while in 1999 amounted to 182,523.6 tons, so that in this period there was an increase of 34.15%. The number is expected to continue to increase in subsequent years. As a consequence, an increase in waste plastikpun inevitable. According to Hartono (1998) the composition of the waste or plastic waste dumped by each household was 9.3% of total household waste. In Jabotabek average each plant produces one ton of plastic waste every week. That number will continue to grow, due to the properties owned plastics, among others, can not rot, do not decompose naturally, it can not absorb water, and can not rust, and eventually ended up being a problem for the environment. (YBP, 1986).
Utilization of waste plastics is an effort to suppress plastic waste to a minimum and within certain limits save resources and reduce dependence on imported raw materials. Utilization of waste plastics can be done with reuse (reuse) and recycling (recycle). In Indonesia, the use of plastic waste in the scale of general household usage is back with different purposes, for example, place a plastic paint used for pot or bucket. Reuse ugly side, particularly in the form of packaging is often used for product counterfeiting as it often happens in the big cities (Syafitrie, 2001).
Utilization of waste plastics for recycling is generally done by the industry. Generally, there are four requirements for a plastic waste can be processed by an industry, among others, certain wastes must be in the form as needed (seed, pellets, powder, pieces), the waste must be homogeneous, uncontaminated, and sought not oxidized. To overcome these problems, before use of plastic waste is processed through a simple step, the separation, cutting, washing, and removal of substances such as iron, and so on (Sasse et al., 1995).
There are things that benefit in the use of plastic waste in Indonesia compared to developed countries. This is possible because manual separation is considered not possible in developed countries, can be done in Indonesia, which has abundant labor so that the separation does not need to be done with advanced equipment that require high costs. These conditions allow the development of plastics recycling industry in Indonesia (Syafitrie, 2001).
Use of recycled plastic in the manufacture of plastic goods back has been growing rapidly. Almost all types of plastic waste (80%) can be processed back into the original item must be done despite mixing with new raw materials and additives to improve the quality (Syafitrie, 2001). According to Hartono (1998) four types of plastic waste are popular and sell well in the market, namely polyethylene (PE), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), and asoi.
Composite wood is a term used to describe any product that is made from sheets or small pieces of wood glued together (Maloney, 1996). Referring to the definition above, composite wood powder composite plastic is made of plastic as a matrix and wood powder as filler (filler), which has properties of both. The addition of filler into the matrix aims to reduce density, increase stiffness and reduce the cost per unit volume. In terms of wood, with the polymer matrix inside the strength and physical properties will also increase (Febrianto, 1999).
Composite wood is a term used to describe any product that is made from sheets or small pieces of wood glued together (Maloney, 1996). Referring to the definition above, composite wood powder composite plastic is made of plastic as a matrix and wood powder as filler (filler), which has properties of both. The addition of filler into the matrix aims to reduce density, increase stiffness and reduce the cost per unit volume. In terms of wood, with the polymer matrix inside the strength and physical properties will also increase (Febrianto, 1999).
Composite manufacturing using a matrix of plastic that has been recycled, in addition to improving the efficiency of wood utilization, can also reduce the load on plastic waste in addition to producing innovative products as a substitute for wood building materials. The advantages of this product include: cheaper production costs, abundant raw materials, flexible in the manufacturing process, low density, it is biodegradable (rather than plastic), possesses properties better than the original raw material, can be applied for various purposes, as well as can be recycled (recycleable). Some examples of the use of this product are as interior parts of vehicles (cars, trains, airplanes), furniture, or building components (windows, doors, walls, floors and bridges) (Febrianto, 1999: Youngquist, 1995).
Wood powder as Filler
Wood powder as Filler
Filler is added to the matrix in order to improve the mechanical properties of plastics through the deployment of effective stress between the fiber and the matrix (Han, 1990). Besides the addition of filler to reduce costs as well as improve some properties of its products.
Inorganic materials such as calcium carbonate, talc, mica, and fiberglass is the material most commonly used as a filler in the plastics industry. The addition of calcium carbonate, mica and talc may increase the strength of the plastic, but the weight of the product is also increased so that the transportation costs would be higher. In addition, calcium carbonate and talc are abrasive to equipment used, thereby shortening the service life. The addition of fiberglass to increase the strength of the product but the price is very expensive. Therefore the use of organic materials, such as wood filler in the plastics industry began to receive attention. In Indonesia, the potential for very large timber as a filler, especially the utilization of waste sawdust is still not optimal.
According Strak and Berger (1997), sawdust has advantages as a filler when compared to filler minerals such as mica, calcium carbonate, and talc are: process temperature is lower (less than 400 º F) thereby reducing energy costs, can be degraded naturally, weight species are much lower, so the cheaper the cost per volume, low geseknya style so not to damage equipment on the manufacturing process, and comes from renewable sources
Some factors to consider in the use of sawdust as a filler in the manufacture of wood plastic composite is a type of wood, the size ratio between powder and sawdust and plastic. Another thing to consider is the nature of wood dust itself. Wood is a material composed mostly of cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (20-30%), lignin (20-30%), and small amounts of inorganic materials and extractive. Therefore hydrophilic wood, rigid, and can be biologically degraded. The properties of the wood causes less suitable when combined with plastic, because it is in the manufacture of wood-plastic composites required assistance coupling agent (Febrianto, 1999).
Plastic Recycling In The Matrix
Plastic Recycling In The Matrix
In Indonesia, most of the recycled plastic used again as the original product with lower quality. Use of recycled plastic as a construction material is still very rare. In the 1980s, the UK and Italy have been recycled plastic used to make telephone poles instead of wooden poles or iron. In Sweden recycled plastic used to manufacture the plastic brick multistory buildings, because lighter and more powerful than common brick (YBP, 1986).
Use of recycled plastic in the field of composite wood in Indonesia is still limited at the research stage. There are two strategies in the manufacture of wood composites by using plastic, plastic first used as a binder, while the wood as the main component, the second used wood filler / filler and a plastic matrix. Research on the use of recycled polypropylene plastic as a substitute for thermoset adhesives in the manufacture of particle board made by Febrianto et al (2001). Particle board product produced has dimensional stability and high mechanical strength compared to conventional particle boards. Research recycled plastic as wood plastic composite matrix made Setyawati (2003) and Sulaeman (2003) by using recycled polypropylene plastic. In the manufacture of wood plastic composite recycling, some thermoplastic polymers can be used as a matrix, but is limited by low temperature decomposition beginning and heating wood (approximately 200 ° C).
Making Process
Basically composite manufacturing recycled plastic wood powder not unlike the plastic matrix composites with pure. These composites can be made through the process one stage, two-stage process, and the continuous process. At one stage of the process, all the raw materials mixed first manually and then entered into the tool pengadon (kneader) and processed to produce a composite product. In the two-stage process of modified plastic raw materials first, then filler mixed together in the kneader and formed into a composite. The combination of these stages is known as a continuous process. In this process the raw materials incorporated gradually and sequentially in a kneader and then processed through a composite product (Han and Shiraishi, 1990). Generally a two-stage process produces a better product than the one stage, but the process takes one step shorter.
Diagram of basic manufacturing process is presented in Figure 1.
Diagram of basic manufacturing process is presented in Figure 1.
Preparation of filler
In principle the preparation of filler intended to get sawdust or wood flour size and uniform moisture content. The more fine powders greater the contact surface between the matriknya filler, so the products become more homogeneous. However, if the terms of decorative composite powder size larger will produce a better appearance because the distribution of the powder timber provides its own value.
In principle the preparation of filler intended to get sawdust or wood flour size and uniform moisture content. The more fine powders greater the contact surface between the matriknya filler, so the products become more homogeneous. However, if the terms of decorative composite powder size larger will produce a better appearance because the distribution of the powder timber provides its own value.
Preparation of Recycled Plastic
Waste plastics are grouped according to the type of plastic (polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and so on). Once cleaned, the waste is chopped to reduce the size, then heated to its melting point, then processed to form a pellet. Before being used as a composite matrix made analysts differential thermal (DTA). In the two-stage process, the pellets diblending first by serving as a coupling agent in the manufacture of composite compatibilizer.
Blending (Pengadonan)
Blending (Pengadonan)
The stages in this pengadonan adapted to the process used, one stage, two-stage, or continuous. According to Han (1990) pengadonan conditions are most influential in the manufacture of composites is the temperature, rotation rate, and time pengadonan.
The formation of composite
The formation of composite
After the mixing is complete, the sample is directly incurred to molded into sheets with heat presses. Compression performed for 2.5 – 3 minutes with a pressure of 100 kgf/cm2 for 30 seconds at a temperature of 170 º C – 190 º C. After cold compression at the same pressure for 30 seconds, the sheet is then cooled at room temperature.
Testing of Composites
Testing of Composites
Composite testing conducted to determine whether the product meets the requirements specified for a particular use. Type adapted to the needs of testing, testing fterhadap generally includes physical properties, mechanical, and thermal composites.
Composite of high quality can only be achieved if the sawdust is well distributed in the matrix. In fact, the affinity of wood with a plastic powder is very low because the wood is hydrophilic, while the plastic is hydrophobic. As a result, the composite is formed has a drainage properties and low moldability and in turn can reduce the strength of materials (Han, 1990).
The results of research
The results of research
Studies that have been and are being conducted aiming to produce wood plastic composite with the best properties. Han (1990), Stark and Berger (1997), and Oksman and Clemons (1997), examines the factors that play an important role in the manufacture of wood plastic composite powder, the type and form of raw material, wood species, the ratio of filler to the matrix, type and compatibilizer levels, as well as the conditions at the time of pengadonan. The results show that to some extent an increase in strength of the composite with the smaller size of the powder used, as well as the type, ratio of sawdust and plastic, as well as the type of wood moisture content significantly affect the properties of the resulting composites. The addition of compatibilizer to a certain extent affect both the strength of the composite.
Research on wood plastic composite mostly still use plastic purely as a matrix. Research using recycled matrix, performed by Setyawati (2003), Sulaeman (2003) by using recycled polypropylene. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
Setyawati (2003) examined the effect of the size ratio of sawdust to the matrix and compatibilizer content on physical and mechanical properties of polypropylene wood composite recycling. The results showed a similar pattern with a composite that uses pure polypropylene, the properties of the composites increased with increasing particle size and smoothness. Sawdust ratio of 50:50 with a matrix with the addition of 2.5% MAH as compatibilizer is accompanied by the addition of initiator produces optimal composite force, as well as physical properties sufficient.
Sulaeman (2003), examined the deterioration of wood plastic composite recycled polypropylene by weather and termites. The results showed a composite of recycled plastic lumber can be degraded by weather, but resistant to termite attack.
Research The Moderate / Will Do
Research and testing of wood plastic composite so far has been in the form of thin sheets, so the test is still based on testing plastics. Currently Sutrisno (personal communication) is conducting research on the properties of recycled wood plastic composite in the form of small clear specimen so testing is directed to the possible use of composites instead of wood.
Future studies will lead to the determination of the wood plastic composite board manufacturing the best and the quality of composite board with pre-treatment on the filler, the selection of modifier / compatibilizer, the initiator, the determination of process variables, and the use of materials other than wood berlignoselulosa (research plan) .
Manufacture of composite products sawdust and recycled plastic is one alternative to the use of waste wood and plastic, in order to improve the efficiency of wood utilization, reducing the environmental load of the plastic waste and to produce innovative products as a substitute for wood building materials. The development of these products in the future will hopefully have a positive impact, not only limited to industrial development and foreign exchange savings, but also improve the quality of the environment.
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